Here are a few challenges I've started tossing out to prospective new hires, all of which are based on common, real-world multimedia tasks:
I learned this the hard way over the last four years. When I started working with ActionScript in 2007, it was the first serious programming I'd done since college, not counting some playful Excel macros. Consequently I had a lot of bad habits: I left a lot of variables in the global scope, stored data in ad-hoc parallel arrays, and embedded a lot of "magic number" constants in my code. Some of those are easy to correct, but the shift in thinking from "write a program that does X" to "design data structure Y, then write a program to operate on it" is surprisingly profound. And yet it makes a huge difference: when we created the Economic Indicators project, the most problematic areas in our code were the ones where the underlying data structures were badly-designed (or at least, in the case of the housing statistics, organized in a completely different fashion from the other tables).
Oddly enough, I think what caused the biggest change in my thinking was learning to use JQuery. Much like other query languages, the result of almost any JQuery API call is a collection of zero or more objects. You can iterate over these as if they were arrays, but the language provides a lot of functional constructs (each(), map(), filter(), etc.) that encourage users to think more in terms of generic operations over units of data (the fact that those units are expressed in JavaScript's lovely hashmap-like dynamic objects is just a bonus).
I suspect that data-orientation makes for better programmers in any field (and I'm not alone), but I'm particularly interested in it on my team because what we do is essentially to turn large chunks of data (governmental or otherwise) into stories. From a broad philosophical perspective, I want my team thinking about what can be extracted and explained via data, and not how to optimize their loops. Data first, code second--and if concentrating on the former improves the latter, so much for the better.
About a month back, a prominent inside-the-Beltway political magazine ran a story on Tea Party candidates and earmarks, claiming that anti-earmark candidates were responsible for $1 billion in earmarks over 2010. I had just finished building a comprehensive earmark package based on OMB data, so naturally my editor sent me a link to the story and asked me to double-check their math. At first glance, the numbers generally matched--but on a second examination, the article's total double- and triple-counted earmarks co-sponsored by members of the Tea Party "caucus." Adjusting my query to remove non-distinct earmark IDs knocked about $100 million off the total--not really that much in the big picture (the sum still ran more than $900 million), but enough to fall below the headline-ready "more than $1 billion" mark. It was also enough to make it clear that the authors hadn't really understood what they were writing about.
In general, I am in favor of journalists learning how to leverage databases for better analysis, but it's an easy technology to misuse, accidentally--or even on purpose. There's a truism that the skills required to interpret statistics go hand in hand with the skills used to misrepresent them, and nowhere is that more pertinent than in the newsroom. Reporters and editors entering the world of data journalism need to hold onto the same critical skills they would use for any other source, not be blinded by the ease with which they can reach a catchy figure.
That said, journalists would do well to learn about these tools, especially in beats like economics and politics, if only to be able to spot their abuses. And there are three strong arguments for using databases (carefully!) for reporting: improving newsroom mathematical literacy, asking questions at modern scale, and making connections easier.
First, it's no secret that journalists and math are often uneasy bedfellows--a recent Washington Post ombudsman piece explored some of the reasons why numerical corrections are so common. In short: we're an industry of English majors whose eyes cross when confronted with simple sums, and so we tend to take numbers at face value even during the regular copy-editing process.
These anxieties are signs of a deeper problem that needs to be addressed, and there's nothing magical about SQL that will fix them overnight. But I think database training serves two purposes. First, it acclimatizes users to dealing with large sets of numbers, like treating nosocomephobia with a nice long hospital stay. Second, it reveals the dirty secret of programming, which is that it involves a lot of math process, but relatively little actual adding or subtracting, especially in query languages. Databases are a good way to get comfortable with numbers without having to actually touch them directly.
Ultimately, journalists need to be comfortable with numbers, because they're becoming an institutional hazard. While the state of government (and private-sector) data may still leave a lot to be desired from a programmer's point of view, it's practically flooded out over the last few years, with machine-readable formats becoming more common. This mass of data is increasingly unmanageable via spreadsheet: there are too many rows, too many edge cases, and too much filtering required. Doing it by hand is a pipe-dream. A database, on the other hand, is designed to handle queries across hundreds of thousands of rows or more. Languages like SQL let us start asking questions at the necessary scale.
Finally, once we've gotten over a fear of numbers and begun to take large data sets for granted, we can start using relational databases to make connections between data sets. This synthesis is a common visualization task that is difficult to do by hand--mapping health spending against immigration patterns, for example--but it's reasonably simple to do with a query in a relational database. The results of these kinds of investigations may not even be publishable, but they are useful--searching for correlation is a great jumping-off point for further reporting. One of the best things I've done for my team lately is set up a spare box running PostgreSQL, which we use for uploading, combining, searching, and then outputting translated versions of data, even in static form.
As always when I write these kinds of posts, remember that there is no Product X for saving journalism. Adding a database does not make your newsroom Web 2.0, and (see the example I opened with) it's not a magic bullet for better journalism. But new technology does bring opportunities for our industry, if we can avoid the Product X hype. The web doesn't save newspapers, but it can (and should) make sourcing better. Mobile apps can't save subscription revenues, but they offer better ways to think about presentation. And databases can't replace an informed, experienced editor, but they can give those journalists better tools to interrogate the world.
Once again, I present CQ's annual vote studies in handy visualization form, now updated with the figures for 2010. This version includes some interesting changes from last year:
The vote studies are one of those quintessentially CQ products: reliable, wonky, and relentlessly non-partisan. We're still probably not doing justice to it with this visualization, but we'll keep building out until we get there. Take a look, and let me know what you think.
If you're interested in working in data-driven journalism, or you know someone who is, my team at CQ is hiring. You can check out the listing at Ars. For additional context, this opening is for the server-side/database role on the team--someone who can set up a database for a reporting project, mine it for relevant data, and then present that information to either the newsroom or the public as a modern, standard-compliant web page.
To be honest, we're having a really difficult time filling this position. It's an odd duck: we need someone who's comfortable with computer science-y stuff like data structures and SQL, but also someone who can apply those skills towards journalism, which has its own distinct character traits: news sense, storytelling, and a peculiar tendency to pull at intellectual loose ends. A tough combination to begin with, even without taking into account the fact that anyone with both aptitudes can probably make a lot more money with the former than with the latter. So let's add a third requirement: they've got to be a true believer about what we do here.
As far as I can tell, the most reliable way to get someone with these three traits is to start with a journalist, then teach them how to code. In theory, that should be exactly what happens in a journalism school's "new media" or "interactive" program. And yet my experience with graduates of these MA programs is that they're woefully unprepared for the job my team is trying to do.
I should note here, I think, that I never attended J-school myself. GMU didn't have a journalism program, and I ended up in a different specialization in the communication department anyway. So it's possible that I'm a little bitter, given that I had to work my way into the news business via extensive freelancing, entry-level web production, and a lot of bloody-minded persistence. But I think my gripes are reasonable, and they're shared with coworkers from more traditional journalistic backgrounds.
Here's the crux of the problem, as I see it: programs in new media journalism are still teaching the Internet in the context of traditional print or television news, which stalls their graduates in two ways. First, it means the programs approach online media as outsiders, teaching classes in "blogging for journalists" or "media website design" as if they were alien artifacts to be unpuzzled instead of the native publishing platform for a whole generation now. It's the web, people: it's not going anywhere, and it's not something you should have to spend a semester introducing to your students. A whole class on blogging isn't education--it's coddling.
Second, these schools seem to be too focused on specific technologies or platforms instead of teaching rudimentary, generalizable computer engineering. There are classes on Flash, or on basic HTML, or using a given blog platform--and those are all good skills to have, but they're not sufficient. What we really need are people who know the general principles behind those skills: how do you structure data effectively for the story? How do you debug something? What's object-oriented design? Technology moves so fast in this business, someone without those fundamentals won't be able to keep up with the pace of change we need to maintain.
Maybe I'm just hardcore, but when I look at something like the Medill Graduate Curriculum (just to pick on someone at random), the interactive track looks lightweight to me. There's a lot of emphasis on industry inside baseball ("How 21st Century Media Works" or "Building Networked Audiences"), and not nearly enough on getting your hands dirty. "Digital Frameworks for Reporting" is only taught in DC? (Are government websites not available in Chicago?) "Database Reporting" is an optional elective? Not a single class taken from the graduate or undergraduate computer science curriculum, like "Fundamentals of Computer Programming I?" It looks to me like a program where you could emerge as a valuable data journalist, but it's just as likely that you'd be another Innovation Editor. And trust me, the world does not need any more of those.
I sympathize with the people who have to design these programs, I really do. The web is a big topic to cover. And worse, it's hard to teach people how to think critically--to understand about how they think, instead of just telling them what to think--but good programming has a lot in common with that level of metacognition. For the kind of data journalism we're trying to do at CQ, you've got to at least be able to think a little like a programmer, a little like a journalist, and a little like something new. If you think you can do that, we'd love to hear from you.
I don't know how long this'll be available to the general public, so take a look while you can: CQ Economy Tracker (formerly the Economic Indicators project) is now live. It's the product of more than a year of off-and-on development, and I'm thrilled to finally have it out in the wild.
Economy Tracker collects six big economic data sets (GDP, inflation, employment and labor, personal income and savings, home sales and pricing, and foreclosure rates) across the national, regional, and state levels, extended back as far as we could get data--sometimes almost a hundred years. The data is graphed, mapped, available in a sortable table, and also made available as Excel spreadsheets. As far as we're aware, we're the only organization that's collecting all of this information and putting it together in one easy-to-read package. It's a great resource for our own reporters when they go looking for vetted economic data, as well as a handy tool for readers.
But more than that, Economy Tracker has been my team's bid for some fundamental ideas about data journalism. The back end is a fairly simple PHP/PostgreSQL database, with the emphasis on A) making it easy for non-technical reporters to update by accepting Excel spreadsheets in a very tolerant way, and B) returning results in the web-standard JSON format for consumption by either Flash or Javascript. The current dashboard applet is a full-service showcase for the collection, but using a standards-based API, it should be easy for my team to build new visualizations based on our economic data--including smaller, single-purpose widgets or mash-ups with political or demographic data--or for our customers and readers to do so.
I think the last few years have shown how this strategy--building a news API for both internal and external use--has had real benefits for the newsrooms that have boldly let the way, like NPR and the New York Times. Not only does it engage the segment of the audience that's willing to dig into their data (free publicity!), but it grants newsroom developers a fleetness of foot that's hard to beat. It's a lot easier, for example, for NPR to turn on a dime and toss off a tablet-optimized website, or create a new native mobile client, because their content is already mostly decoupled from presentation and available in a machine-readable format. That's kind of a big deal, especially as we wait to see how this whole mobile Internet thing is going to shake out.
Whether or not this approach takes off, I'm enormously proud of the work that my team has done on this project. It's been a massive undertaking: building our own custom graphing framework, creating an internal event scheme for coordinating the two panels (pick a year on the National pane and it synchronizes with the Regional/State pane, and vice versa), and figuring out how to remain responsive while still displaying up to 40,000 rows of labor statistics (a combination of caching and delayed processing). Most importantly, the Economy Tracker stands as a monument to a partnership between the multimedia team, researchers, and our economics editor, in the best tradition of CQ journalism.
So you're a modern digital media company, and you want to present some information online. The fervor around Flash has died down a little bit--it started showing up on phones and somehow that wasn't the end of the world, apparently--but you're still curious about the choice between HTML and Flash. What technology should you use for your slideshow/data visualization/brilliant work of explainer journalism? Here's my take on it: choose both.
You don't hear this kind of thing much from tech pundits, because tech pundits are not actually in the business of effectively communicating, and they would prefer to pit all technologies against each other in some kind of far-fetched, traffic-generating deathmatch. But when it comes to new media, my team's watchword is "pragmatism." We try to pick the best tools for any given project, where "best" is a balance between development speed, compatibility, user experience, and visual richness. While it's true, for example, that you can often create the same kind of experience in HTML5* as in Flash, both have strengths and weaknesses. And lately we've begun to mix the two together within a single package--giving us the best of both worlds. It's just the most efficient way to work, especially on a team where the skillsets aren't identical from person to person.
What follows are some of the criteria that we use to pick our building blocks. None of these are set in stone, but we've found that they offer a good heuristic for creating polished experiences under deadline. And ultimately that--not some kind of ideological browser purity test--is all we care about.
Likewise, anything that involves generating arbitrary shapes and moving them around a canvas is a strong candidate for Flash. This is especially true for any kind of graphing or for flashy bespoke UIs. It's possible to create some impressive things with CSS and HTML, especially if you throw caution to the wind and use HTML5's canvas tag, but it's slower and requires a lot more developer time to get polished results across browsers. A lot of this comes down to the APIs that ActionScript exposes. Once you've gotten used to having a heavily-optimized 2D display tree and event dispatcher, it's hard to go back--and there's definitely no way I'm going to try to train a team of journalists how to push and pop canvas transformations.
Where this really becomes a painful issue is when dealing with tabular data. Flash's DataGrid component is orders of magnitude faster than JavaScript when it comes to sorting, filtering, and updating large datasets, but it comes with a lot of limitations: rows must be uniform in height, formatting is wonky, and nobody's happy with the mousewheel behavior. If you're a genius in one runtime or the other, you can mitigate a lot of its weaknesses with clever hacks, but who has the time? We usually make our choice based on size: anything up to a couple hundred rows goes into HTML, and everything else gets the Flash treatment.
I also think Flash is easier to optimize, but that probably has to do with my level of experience, and we don't usually make decisions based on voodoo optimization techniques. My personal take is that client-side speed is only a priority if it impacts responsiveness, which is primarily a UX problem. We have run into problems with delays in response to user input on both technologies, and the solution is less about raw speed and more about giving good user feedback. We also use strategies like lazy loading and caching no matter where we're coding--they're just good practice.
It should be noted that one of the primary roles of XML and JSON in the browser are for AJAX-style web apps, and Flash does have a real advantage in this area: it can do cross-domain HTTP requests in all browsers, as opposed to JavaScript's heavy-handed sandboxing.
I really can't overstate how important this is for our team. Like most newsroom multimedia teams, we're understaffed relative to the workload we'd really like to have. We don't really want to sink time into one-off projects, so any time we have a chance to recycle code, we take it. An additional bonus is that we can build these reusable components to fit the CQ look and feel, and it's easier to pitch a presentation to an editor if we can point to something similar we've done in the past.
In general, my time at B-SPAN taught me this about online video: if you're not a video hosting company, you should be hiring someone else to take care of it for you. Video is too high-bandwidth, too high-maintenance, and too finicky for non-experts to be managing it. And I think the HTML5 transition only proves that to be the case in the browser as well. Vimeo and Brightcove (just to pick two) will earn their money by working out ways for you to upload one file and deliver it via <video> or Flash on a per browser basis, freeing you up to worry about the bigger picture.
That said, here's my prediction: Flash on Android is good enough, and is going to be common enough in a year or two, that I can easily see it being used on mobile sites going forward. Apple probably won't budge on their stance, meaning that Flash won't be quite as ubiquitous as it is on the desktop. But if small teams like mine find ourselves in a situation where Flash is a much better choice for the desktop and a sizeable chunk of smartphones, it won't be unusual--or unreasonable--to make that trade-off.
The key is to understand that you can choose both--that ActionScript and HTML actually make a great combination. By passing data across the ExternalInterface bridge, you can integrate Flash interactives directly into your JavaScript. Flash can transfer text out to be displayed via HTML. JavaScript can pass in data to be graphed, or can provide accessible controls for a rich media SWF component. If you code it right, ActionScript even provides a great drop-in patch for HTML5 features like <canvas>, <video>, and <audio> in older browsers.
The mania for "pure HTML" reminds me of the people in the late 90's who had off-grey websites written in Courier New "because styling is irrelevant, the text is the only thing that matters." If Flash has a place on the page, we're going to use it. We'll try to use it in a smart way, mixing it into an HTML-based interactive to leverage its strengths and minimize its weaknesses. But it'd be crazy to make more work for ourselves just because it's not fashionable to code in ActionScript these days. Leave that for the dilettantes--we're working here.
At the DICE 2010 conference, a guy named Jesse Schell gave a speech about bringing reward systems from gaming (achievements, trophies, etc.) into real life as a motivational system. You've probably seen it--if you haven't, you can watch it and read designer David Sirlin's comments here.
Essentially, Schell lays out a future where there's a system that awards "points" for everyday tasks, ranging from the benign (brushing your teeth, using public transit) to the insidious (buying products, taking part in marketing schemes). Sometimes these points mean something (tax breaks, discounts), and sometimes they don't (see also: XBox GamerPoints). You can argue, as Jane McGonigal does, that this can be beneficial, especially if it leads to better personal motivational tools. I tend more towards the Sirlin viewpoint--that it's essentially a dystopia, especially once the Farmville folks latch onto it.
(The reasons that I think it's inevitably dystopian, besides the obvious unease around the panopticon model, is that a reward system would inevitably be networked. And if it's networked and exploitable, you'll end up with griefers, of either the corporate spam variety or the regular 4chan kind. It's interesting, with Facebook grafting itself more and more onto the rest of the Internet, that social games have not already started using the tools of alternate reality gaming--ARGs--to pull people in anyway. Their ability to do so was probably delayed by the enormous outcry over debacles like Facebook's Beacon debacle, but it's only a matter of time.)
That said, as an online journalist, I also found the idea a little intriguing (and I'm thinking about adding it to my own sites). Because here's the thing: news websites have a funding problem, and more specifically a motivation problem. As a largely ad-funded industry, we've resorted to all kinds of user-unfriendly strategies in order to increase imperfect (but ad network-endorsed) metrics like pageviews, including artificial pagination and interstitial ads. The common thread through all these measures is that they enforce certain behaviors (view n number of pages per visit, increase time on site by x seconds) via the publishing system, against the reader's will. It feels dishonest--from many points of view, it is dishonest. And journalism, as much or more than any other profession, can't survive the impression of dishonesty.
An achievement system, while obviously manipulative, is not dishonest. The rules for each achievement are laid out ahead of time--that's what makes them work--as are the rewards that accompany them. It doesn't have to be mandatory: I rarely complete all achievements for an XBox game, although I know people who do. More importantly, an achievement system is a way of suggesting cultural norms or desired behavior: the achievements for Mirror's Edge, for example, reward players for stringing together several of the game's movement combos. Half Life 2 encourages players to use the Gravity Gun and the environment in creative ways. You can beat either one without getting these achievements, but these rewards signal ways that the designers would like you to approach the journey.
And journalism--along with almost all Big Content providers--is struggling with the problems of establishing cultural norms. This includes the debate over allowing comments (with some papers attempting paid, non-anonymous comment sections in order to clean things up), user-generated content (CNN's iReport, various search-driven reporting schemes), and at heart, the position and perception of a newspaper in its community, whatever that might be. It's not your local paper anymore, necessarily. So what is it to you? Why do you care? Why come back?
Achievements might kill multiple birds with one stone. They provide a way to moderate users (similar to Slashdot's karma) and segregate access based on demonstrated good behavior. They create a relationship between readers and their reading material. They link well with social networks like Facebook and Twitter. And most importantly, they give people a reason to spend time on the site--one that's transparently artificial, a little goofy, and can be aligned with the editorial vision of the organization (and not just with the will of advertisers). You'd have several categories of achievements, each intended to drive a particular aspect of site use: social networking, content consumption, community engagement, and random amusements.
Here's a shallow sampling of possible News Achievements I could see (try to imagine the unlocked blip before each one):
Is this a little ridiculous? Sure. But is it better than a lot of our existing strategies for adapting journalism to the online world? I think it might be. Despite the changes in the news landscape, we still tend to think of our audiences as passive eyeballs that we need to forcibly direct. The most effective Internet media sites, I suspect, will be the ones that treat their audiences as willing participants. And while not everyone has noble intentions, the news is not the worst place to start leveraging the psychological lessons of gaming.
Perhaps this is irony, coming on the heels of the previous post, but I'd like to announce that the first version of the NPR client for Android incorporating my patches has gone live. You can find it in the Market, or see it on App Brain. I get a credit and everything, as the second coder on the project. I'm pretty thrilled.
I got involved because, in keeping with the open-source spirit behind Android itself, NPR has released the source for the client at a Google Code repository under the Apache license. You can download it for yourself, if you'd like (you'll need an API key to compile, though). The NPR team would love to have contributions from other coders, designers, or even just interested listeners. You can hit them up via @nprandroid on Twitter, or send an e-mail to the app's feedback address.
This version mainly splits playback off into a background service with a notification, which is a better user experience and means the stream won't be killed if you leave the application with the Back button. We've got another version in the works that improves this functionality, incorporates some little UI tweaks, and lays the groundwork for home screen widgets. I'd like to thank Corvus for his help in spotting areas where the Android client needs improvement. The NPR design team is also finishing up an overhaul of the look-and-feel of the application, and hopefully we can get that out soon. Along with taking care of bug fixes and project cleanup, that's my priority as soon as existing revisions are cleared.
If you ask me to describe a reporter's tools, I admit that what leaps to mind is more than a little hackneyed. Pen and pad, maybe? One of those goofy hats with the press pass lodged in the band? Typewriter (seriously, not even a laptop)? Thanks, 1930s screwball newsroom comedies! But in my day job, I can't afford to be a romantic about the newsroom's toolkit--we're far enough behind as it is. And I'd argue that when you think of newsgathering in the near future, there are a few other players you should consider: scripting languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, Javascript, and Visual Basic.
I'm biased, of course, as someone who's interested in what I call data-driven journalism. But the way I see it, the basic task of journalism is to ask questions, and with more data than ever being made available by governments, non-profits, corporations, and individuals, it becomes difficult to answer those questions--or even to know where to start--unless you can leverage a computer's ability to filter and scale.
For example: our graphics reporter is pulling together some information regarding cloture over the last century years. She's got a complete list of all the motions filed since the 66th Congress (Treaty of Versailles in 1919!). Getting a count of motions from the whole set with a given result is easy with Excel's COUNTIF function, but how do we get a count of rejected motions by individual Congress? You could do it by manually filtering the list and noting the results, or you could write a new counting function (which we then extended to check for additional criteria--say, motions which were rejected by the majority party). The latter only takes about 10 lines of code, and it saves a tremendous amount of tedium. More importantly, it let her immediately figure out which avenues of analysis would be dead ends, and concentrate our editorial efforts elsewhere.
We also do a fair amount of page-scraping here--sometimes even for our own data, given that we don't always have an API for a given database field. I'm trying to get more of our economic data loaded this way--right now, one of our researchers has to go out and get updates on the numbers from various sources manually. That's time they can't spend crunching those numbers for trends, or writing up the newest results. It's frustratingly inefficient, and really ought to be automated--this is, after all, exactly what most scripting languages were written to do.
It's true that these are all examples of fairly narrow journalism--business and economic trends, specific political analysis, metatextual reporting. Not every section of the paper will use these tools all the time, and I'm not claiming that old style, call-people-and-harass-them-for-answers reporting will go away any time soon. But I've been thinking lately about the cost of investigative reporting, and the ways that computer automation could make it more profitable. Take Pro Publica's nursing board investigation, for example. It's a mix of traditional shoe leather reporting and database pattern-matching, with the latter used to direct the former. Investigative reporting has always been expensive and slow, but could tools like this speed the process up? Could it multiply the effectiveness of investigative reporters? Could it revive the ability for local papers to act as a watchdog for their regional governments and businesses?
Well, maybe. There are a lot of reasons why it wouldn't work right now, not the least of which is the dependence of data-driven journalists on, well, data. It assumes that the people you're investigating are actually putting information somewhere you can get to it, and that the data is good--or that you have the skills and sufficient signal to distinguish between good data and bad. If I imagine trying to do this kind of thing out where my parents live in rural Virginia (a decent acid test for local American news), I'd say it's probably not living up to its potential yet.
But I think that day is coming. And I'm not the only one: Columbia just announced a dual-degree masters program in journalism and computer science (Wired has more, including examples of what the degree hopes to teach). To no small degree, the pitch for developing these skills isn't just a matter of leveraging newsroom time efficiently. It's more that in the future, this is how the world will increasingly work: rich (but disconnected) private databases, electronic governmental records, and interesting stories buried under petabytes of near-random noise. Journalists don't just need to learn their way around basic scripting because it's a faster way to research. They may need it just to keep up.