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September 2, 2014

Filed under: journalismยปnew_media

Fanning the Flames

Over the weekend we soft-launched our Seahawks Fan Map project. It's a follow-up on last year's model, which was built on a Google Fusion Table map. The new one is better in almost every way: it lets you locate yourself based on GPS, provides autocomplete for favorite players, and clusters markers instead of throwing 3,000 people directly onto the map. It's also built using a couple of interesting technical choices: Google Apps Script and "web components" in jQuery.

Apps Script

Like my other news apps, the fan map is a static JavaScript application built on our news template. It ships all its data and code up to S3, and has no dynamic component. So how do we add new people to the map, if there's no server backing it up? When you fill out the fan form, where does your data go?

The answer, as with many newsrooms, is heavy use of Google Sheets as an ad-hoc CMS. I recently added the ability to for our news app scaffolding to pull from Sheets and cache the data locally as JSON, which is then available to the templating and build tasks. Once every few minutes, a cron job runs on a machine in our newsroom, which grabs the latest data and uploads a fresh copy to the cloud. Anyone can use a spreadsheet, so it's easy for editors and writers to update the data or mark a row as "approved," "featured," or "blocked."

Getting data from the form into the sheet is a more interesting answer. Last year's map embedded a Google Forms page, which is the source of many of its UI sins: they can't be styled, they don't offer any advanced form elements, and they can't be made responsive. Nobody really likes Google Forms, but they're convenient, so people use them all the time. We started from that point on this project, but kept running into features that we really wanted (particularly browser geolocation) that they wouldn't support, so I went looking for alternatives.

Most people use Google Apps Script as a JavaScript equivalent for Excel macros, but they have a little-known but extremely useful feature: an Apps Script can be published as a "web app" if it has a doGet() function to handle incoming requests. From that function, it can use any of the existing Apps Script APIs, including access to spreadsheets and (even better) the Maps geocoder. The resulting endpoint isn't fully CORS-compliant, but it's good enough for JSONP, making it possible to write a custom form and still submit to Sheets for storage. I've posted a sample of our handler code in this gist.

Combining the web endpoint for Apps Script with our own custom form gave us the best of both worlds. I could write a form that had pretty styling, geolocation, autocomplete, and validation, but it could still go through the same Google Docs workflow that our newsroom likes. Through the API, I could even handle geocoding during form submission, instead of writing a separate build step. The speed isn't great, but it's not bad either: most of the request time is spent getting a lock on the spreadsheet to keep simultaneous users from overwriting each other's rows. Compared to setting up (and securing) a server backend, I've been very happy with it, and we'll definitely be using this for other news apps in the future.

Web jQuery Components

I'm a huge fan of Web Components and the polyfills built on top of them, such as Polymer and Angular. But for this project, which does not involve putting data directly into the DOM (it's all filtered through Leaflet), Angular seemed like overkill. I decided that I'd try to use old-school technology, with jQuery and I Can Haz templates, but packaged in a component-like way. I used AMD to wrap each component up into a module, and dropped them into the markup as classes attached to placeholder elements.

The result, I think, is mixed. You can definitely build components using jQuery โ€” indeed, I'm very happy with how readable and clean these modules are compared to the average jQuery library โ€” but it's not particularly well-suited for the task. The resulting elements aren't very well encapsulated, don't respond to attribute values or changes, and must manually handle data binding and events in a way that Polymer and Angular safely abstract away. Building those capabilities myself, instead of just using a library that provides them, doesn't make much sense. If I were starting over (or as I consider the additional work we'll do on this map), it's very tempting to switch out my jQuery components for Angular directives or Mozilla's X-Tags.

That said, I'm glad I gave it a shot. And if you can't (or are reluctant to) switch away from jQuery, I'd recommend the following strategies:

  • Use a build process like AMD or Browserify that lets you write your element templates as .html files and bundle them into your components, then load those modules from your main scripts.
  • Delegate your event listeners, which forces you to write self-contained code that can handle re-templating, instead of attaching them directly.
  • Only communicate with external code via the data- attributes, in order to enforce encapsulation. Data attributes will automatically populate jQuery's internal storage, so they're a great way to feed your state at startup, but they're not bound two-way: you'll have to update them manually to reflect internal changes.

Still to come

The map you see today is only the first version โ€” this is one of the few news projects I plan to maintain over an extended period. As we get more information, we'll add shaded layers for some of the extra questions asked on the form, so that you can see the average fan "lifespan" per state, or find out which players are favorites in countries around the world. We'll also feature people with great Seahawks stories, giving them starred icons on the map that are always displayed. And we'll use the optional contact info to reach out to a "fan of the week," making this both a fun interactive and a great reporting tool. I hope you enjoy the map, and if you're a Seahawks fan, I'll see you there!

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