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September 21, 2010

Filed under: journalism»new_media

We Choose Both

So you're a modern digital media company, and you want to present some information online. The fervor around Flash has died down a little bit--it started showing up on phones and somehow that wasn't the end of the world, apparently--but you're still curious about the choice between HTML and Flash. What technology should you use for your slideshow/data visualization/brilliant work of explainer journalism? Here's my take on it: choose both.

You don't hear this kind of thing much from tech pundits, because tech pundits are not actually in the business of effectively communicating, and they would prefer to pit all technologies against each other in some kind of far-fetched, traffic-generating deathmatch. But when it comes to new media, my team's watchword is "pragmatism." We try to pick the best tools for any given project, where "best" is a balance between development speed, compatibility, user experience, and visual richness. While it's true, for example, that you can often create the same kind of experience in HTML5* as in Flash, both have strengths and weaknesses. And lately we've begun to mix the two together within a single package--giving us the best of both worlds. It's just the most efficient way to work, especially on a team where the skillsets aren't identical from person to person.

What follows are some of the criteria that we use to pick our building blocks. None of these are set in stone, but we've found that they offer a good heuristic for creating polished experiences under deadline. And ultimately that--not some kind of ideological browser purity test--is all we care about.

Animation and Graphics

Long story short, if it has an animation more complicated than jQuery.slideDown(), we use Flash. HTML animation has become more and more sophisticated, but it's still not as smooth as Flash's 2D engine. More importantly, performance can vary widely from browser to browser: what runs brilliantly in Chrome is going to chug along in IE or (to a lesser extent) Firefox. One of the big advantages of Flash is that speed is relatively constant between browsers, even on expensive operations like BitmapFilters and alpha transparency.

Likewise, anything that involves generating arbitrary shapes and moving them around a canvas is a strong candidate for Flash. This is especially true for any kind of graphing or for flashy bespoke UIs. It's possible to create some impressive things with CSS and HTML, especially if you throw caution to the wind and use HTML5's canvas tag, but it's slower and requires a lot more developer time to get polished results across browsers. A lot of this comes down to the APIs that ActionScript exposes. Once you've gotten used to having a heavily-optimized 2D display tree and event dispatcher, it's hard to go back--and there's definitely no way I'm going to try to train a team of journalists how to push and pop canvas transformations.


On the other hand, if we're looking for the best text presentation, we go with HTML every time. While it's true that Flash has support for a wider range of embedded fonts, they've been tricky to debug properly, and Flash text handling otherwise has always left a lot to be desired. It's anti-aliased poorly, doesn't wrap or reflow well, and is trapped in the embed window regardless of length. Also, its CSS implementation is weird and frustrating, to say the least. Even if our text is originally loaded in Flash, we increasingly toss it over to HTML via the ExternalInterface for rendering.

Where this really becomes a painful issue is when dealing with tabular data. Flash's DataGrid component is orders of magnitude faster than JavaScript when it comes to sorting, filtering, and updating large datasets, but it comes with a lot of limitations: rows must be uniform in height, formatting is wonky, and nobody's happy with the mousewheel behavior. If you're a genius in one runtime or the other, you can mitigate a lot of its weaknesses with clever hacks, but who has the time? We usually make our choice based on size: anything up to a couple hundred rows goes into HTML, and everything else gets the Flash treatment.


In some cases, particularly the new JIT-enabled browser VMs, JavaScript may already be faster than Actionscript. But the key is "some cases," since most browsers are not yet running those kinds of souped-up interpreters. In my experience, heavy number-crunching works better in Flash--to the extent that it should be done on the client at all. We try to handle most of our computational work on the server side in PHP and SQL, where the results can be done once and then cached. For something like race ratings, this works pretty well. In the rare cases that we do need to burn a lot of cycles on the client side, Flash is often the best way to get it done without script timeouts in older browsers.

I also think Flash is easier to optimize, but that probably has to do with my level of experience, and we don't usually make decisions based on voodoo optimization techniques. My personal take is that client-side speed is only a priority if it impacts responsiveness, which is primarily a UX problem. We have run into problems with delays in response to user input on both technologies, and the solution is less about raw speed and more about giving good user feedback. We also use strategies like lazy loading and caching no matter where we're coding--they're just good practice.


This is another minor factor, since we're in control (usually) of our own data formats here, but it's worth considering if all else is equal. Flash has excellent native XML support, but its JSON library (from Adobe's core library package) proved slow for us when loading more than a few thousand rows from a database. JavaScript obviously has good JSON support, but I always dread using it for XML. We've gradually started moving to JSON for both, because we're trying to set a good example for web API design at CQ, and it seems like the least of two evils.

It should be noted that one of the primary roles of XML and JSON in the browser are for AJAX-style web apps, and Flash does have a real advantage in this area: it can do cross-domain HTTP requests in all browsers, as opposed to JavaScript's heavy-handed sandboxing.

Code Reuse

There are doubtless tools and techniques for building reusable JavaScript components and APIs, but at the end of the day it's just been easier to do for our Flash/Flex projects. The combination of namespaces, traditional object inheritance, and a more consistent API mean that it's easier to get my team members up to speed, and we now have a small library of reusable ActionScript components for graphing, slideshows, mapping, and data display. So far, my experience is that when we build a Flash project, if done properly, the code ends up being pretty portable by defaultMastering reusable JavaScript, on the other hand, seems to require deep knowledge of things like closures and scope, and those don't come easy to most journalists-turned-coders.

I really can't overstate how important this is for our team. Like most newsroom multimedia teams, we're understaffed relative to the workload we'd really like to have. We don't really want to sink time into one-off projects, so any time we have a chance to recycle code, we take it. An additional bonus is that we can build these reusable components to fit the CQ look and feel, and it's easier to pitch a presentation to an editor if we can point to something similar we've done in the past.


Video is an interesting case, and one that's representative of a mature approach to new media planning. I would say that we use a lot of JavaScript to place video on the page--but that video is typically a Flash embed from YouTube or a content delivery network. We're a long way away from a world of pure video tags.

In general, my time at B-SPAN taught me this about online video: if you're not a video hosting company, you should be hiring someone else to take care of it for you. Video is too high-bandwidth, too high-maintenance, and too finicky for non-experts to be managing it. And I think the HTML5 transition only proves that to be the case in the browser as well. Vimeo and Brightcove (just to pick two) will earn their money by working out ways for you to upload one file and deliver it via <video> or Flash on a per browser basis, freeing you up to worry about the bigger picture.


Mobile is, of course, where this whole controversy got started, but I think most of the debate revolves around a straw man. Current mobile devices restrict your use of hover events (no more tooltips!), they limit the screen to a tiny keyhole view, and they require UI elements to be much larger for finger-friendliness. That's true for HTML and Flash both. The idea that HTML5 interactives can present a great experience on both desktop and mobile browsers without serious alterations is ridiculous--you're going to be doing two versions anyway if you want decent usability. So while it depends on your situation, I don't think of this as a Flash vs. HTML5 question. It's more like a desktop vs. mobile question, and the vast majority of our visitors still come in through a desktop browser, so that's generally what we design for.

That said, here's my prediction: Flash on Android is good enough, and is going to be common enough in a year or two, that I can easily see it being used on mobile sites going forward. Apple probably won't budge on their stance, meaning that Flash won't be quite as ubiquitous as it is on the desktop. But if small teams like mine find ourselves in a situation where Flash is a much better choice for the desktop and a sizeable chunk of smartphones, it won't be unusual--or unreasonable--to make that trade-off.

Powers of Two

But really, why should anyone have to choose either Flash or HTML5? I mean, isn't the ability to mix and match technologies a key part of modern, Web 2.0 design? In a day and age where you've got servers written in LISP, PHP, Ruby, C, and .Net all talking to each other, sometimes on the same machine, doesn't it seem a little old-fashioned to be a purist about the front-end? Whatever happened to "use the right tool for the right job?"

The key is to understand that you can choose both--that ActionScript and HTML actually make a great combination. By passing data across the ExternalInterface bridge, you can integrate Flash interactives directly into your JavaScript. Flash can transfer text out to be displayed via HTML. JavaScript can pass in data to be graphed, or can provide accessible controls for a rich media SWF component. If you code it right, ActionScript even provides a great drop-in patch for HTML5 features like <canvas>, <video>, and <audio> in older browsers.

The mania for "pure HTML" reminds me of the people in the late 90's who had off-grey websites written in Courier New "because styling is irrelevant, the text is the only thing that matters." If Flash has a place on the page, we're going to use it. We'll try to use it in a smart way, mixing it into an HTML-based interactive to leverage its strengths and minimize its weaknesses. But it'd be crazy to make more work for ourselves just because it's not fashionable to code in ActionScript these days. Leave that for the dilettantes--we're working here.

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